I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Hey Bungie so I got a few questions: 1) Will you ever consider a Raid matchmaking? because most people who I have talk to always have an issue when it comes to finding people willing to do the raids. The raids are usually the best part of the Destiny experience However its almost impossible to get a fire-team together. to have a optional matchmaking system would help out a lot, what are your thoughts on this? 2) Will the original story be expanded upon? will you add more lore to the story and more in depth character development/the feeling of importance like the fate of the galaxy is resting on your shoulders. Just so the original villain experience feels much more personal and the universe is explained more to new players to the game.
Is the bird really the word?
Will the point value for weapon stats such as "Stability, Rate of Fire, Impact" be more defined, in how they shape the weapons?
will you be able to reforge guns or armor in taken ing?
If you don't need the light spark, can you dismantle it for something else?
Will the legendary ghost shell from the limited edition get Stat bonuses or is it useless?
what happens with the etheric light?
Are weapons still reforge-able?
Are weapons reforgable?
what about space in the postmaster? What if we have maxed out public event rewards in the post master?
Are you adding a new weapon types to the game?
Custom games?
It's because his marks are capped
Is transmogification a thing?
Will there be exotic blue prints in TTK?
Will we be able to use existing subclasses before we finish the quests for them?
Is there any reforging?
Cozmo: are there gonna be new dances in The Taken King?
Custom games?
is Destiny comming out for PC?? plsssssssssss
What about that vault
Will weapon reforging return?
What will happen to Trials of Osiris to keep up with the new Endgame?
What's the Gunsmith going to be doing while we're shooting and looting new things?