1. How will the Vault of Glass and Crota's End remain relevant?
2. What will I use Etheric Light for once TTK drops?
3. What is maximum amount of Legendary Marks you can have?
4. Are old Raid weapons and armor really going to be obsolete? (After all that work....)
5. Will our Exotic weapons be able to be ascended, or will there be some sort of new material / shard / re-grinding be involved?
6. Will Skolas' rewards be re-vamped to make it worth the time?
7. Can we re-play the "new" story and the quests for our existing sub-classes with existing, leveled characters? (Or must we create a new character).
8. Can we have a guardian apartment so we can display our Year 1 stuff, like hang good 'ol Fatebringer on the wall?
9. How many DLC's are planned for Year 2?
Bump! YA
nice. thanks bud. hope he can speak freely, Cause you KNOW....just KNOW that when simple things start getting vague and convoluted? Yeaaaaa we're in for a mess.I'm referring to the last 2 DLC twitches. They got holes poked in em rapidly. This should not be anything like that i hope. Gotta say, it looks amazing and it will be held to a higher standard tomorrow but i think if they give HONEST and direct answers(deeJ HATES those) then they're actually gonnahave a shot at winning back a chunk of disenfranchised-feeling players. Namely us older guys or casuals. There's a chance tho. I burned out a while back when the 2.0 notes came out but was still certain that id check out of this addiction(lol) til the sequel. I hope it is everything it could be. God, i really did enjoy those meaninless hours grinding and getting new exotics and tweaking things and all the random shit.........but, it all hits the wall if you don't pvp i suppose. Sorry bro, ambien says i have about 3 minutes tops and i'm out ! Great questions aplogies for the poor spelling. Hope he addresses every single one. Raid gear obsolete? I want CONCRETE answers! Have a great night vox
Pretty much everything in a nutshell.
Bungie is making their own DLCs meaningless. All that time they spent creating/ cutting up DLCs just to force us to not care about them anymore.
Bump this except for number 8. I paid for a shooter not to play House. Good questions overall.
But it would make your character feel more like your own. It would also add to the immersion. If all you care about is shooting things you must love prison of elders haha.
How so? Because he has a place he can rest? No one spends time in their homes in GTA it's a waste of time to even implement this idea lol Would you like our Guardians to have emotions and a meter on how tired they are as well? haha.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
These are the questions you're looking for.
For 2 etheric light will no longer transgress year one weapons and for number 4 I think raid armor upgrades such as (all light level 34.) Will be able to get you up to missions that are 35 but after that your pushing a boundary where enemies will most likely be difficult to kill
When I say "obsolete" I mean will be able to somehow ascend them, invigorate them, use other legendaries to upgrade them, or will they only be useful for "old" lower level content.
This was answered and the answer was......no expect to fight and be able to do 35 missions after that your screwed
All very good questions!
Oh, and how about a way to re-do our character's hair, facial features, etc.?