Already shown in the trailer.
Crucible and vanguard mark cap is being raised but no one-currency for both.
Will you please specify where in the trailer?
I cant exactly say where but I believe it was in DPJ's video.
No way in Hell am I watching DPJ. I will just hope Cozmo answers my question on the stream.
What do you mean "No One Currency for Both?"
It wont be like weapon parts or the new armour material where it can be used as a universal currency. Unlike glimmer, vanguard and crucible will still have their vanguard and crucible marks.
I think youre mistaken here. In the trailer it showed "legenday marks" and then underneath is said "crucible reputation." From my understanding they are doing away with the two types of marks we have now, and replacing them with legendary marks, but we will still have crucible rep and vanguard rep.