I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Are you guys contemplating a commitment to a shared world shooter, as you claim Destiny is, or an MMO? The reason I ask is, the time commitment resembles an MMO and the TTK appears to have even more time sinks involved. For instance, bounties, across all three characters can take a while, especially when you get obscene numbers such as kill 3 with super 20 times, or melee kills in crucible 20 times. How about knocking some of those numbers down a bit? Dedicated servers for PvP? Right now hackers/cheaters are making a mockery of your competitive arena. As of right now players have to eat a loss and submit a report. Your company needs to take the possibility of abuse out of players hands. P2P was a horrible lazy idea which needs to go away.