Do we now?
Big time. Brag about being the best but complain hunters are to op
And Hunters are angels immune to such behaviour?
There's a few who do but that's just the 12 year olds. Warlocks and Titans constantly say that hunters are op. They're are all equal. But people's words show the general consensus
I disagree. There are many posts on the behalf of all three classes, whether it be a Titan, Warlock, or Hunter that single out specific class boons such as shoulder charge, the Ram, firebolt grenades, Bladedancer, etc. There is no accurate way of telling whether a Hunter complains more than a Warlock, or a Titan.
Who bitches about blade dancers
If you have not scene a post complaining about Bladedancers, you haven't been on these forums very long. I'm not necessarily agreeing with any complaints about that subclass, but complaints often revolve around Blink and handling related perks, as well as occasionally (but rarely) the super. It's Destiny though, people can find anything to complain about. Which brings me to my original point, that complaining is not restricted to one class.
But complaining is directed towards hunters the most. How often to Titans get called out? Never. Warlocks? From time to time cause of sunsinger. Hunters? Anytime someone is shot with golden gun and or killed by a blinking blade dancer a new post comes up on the forums crying nerf
You say that Titan/Warlock abilities aren't complained about, at least on a level on par with Hunters. However, posts claiming shoulder charge and fist of havoc (fist if panic is common nickname) is OP are not an uncommon sight, and the complaints about Sunsinger are numerous. People take issue to Firebolts, Self Rez, fusion grenades, one-hit melees, flameshield, blink (on Voidwalker) and a Warlocks ability to hold two grenades just by selecting a perk. Your making generalizations of two classes even though complaining is a common sight regardless of class. [i]Plus, if you really think Hunters are complained about the most, then why didn't you know about posts complaining about Bladedancer?[/i]
I literally comment on the blade dancer [i]topic [/i] in my last comment. Those post complaining about other subclasses being bitched about are few and far between. It's clear as day hunters are called way more op than every other class. Once trials started people complained about sunsinger but now it's not coming up as often. What does come up is blinking (warlocks too), blade dancer invincibility, golden gun auto aim, invisibility. Both subclasses get shredded in these forums. And with the new sub glass combined with old exotics there's gonna be a lot more bitching.