Well, the big one circulating amongst my clan is how are our levels converting?
We all get shot back to level 20? Based on our level via gear when we log in with TTK? Or has it been keeping those Mote of Light ticks tracked and will make use whatever level we are in those somehow (40? or some conversion ratio)
Secondarily, whats the odds on getting a 4th character slot to check out the Remastered version of the storyline?
Thirdly, there was a decent bit of info about Strikes and Raids getting overhauled or at least updated to stay relevant. But what about Prison of Elders? Is it going to see any love, or simply become a 5 boss castaway of yore.
You're whatever level you are when it lands. If the armour has you at 34, you'll be 34. They've answered that one.