I'd like to ask a question that was not shown in any videos
Will we ever get matchmaking for raids and or large events that still do not have matchmaking included, I've been playing since day one but I have no close friends that play destiny that I can count on to do raids/PoE/Trials and because of this I have missed out on some of the best features of the game, I still have not beaten crota on hard or skolas because I can't find a reliable group through any lfg sites, I would be very happy if we saw some sort of matchmaking included in at least a few of the activities I listed above, for example, perhaps a month after the raid comes out matchmaking is included because all of the secrets and puzzles have been solved accordingly. I know this is quite a sensitive topic but I would really like to hear a definitive yes or no.
They've already said no to this.
Constantly. But last time was about 5 weeks ago. Make your own groups, don't look for others. Always worked for me.
I've tried that but people always leave before I can can get enough people
If you're on X box add me mate.
Yeah. I'm on X box one. Xjaycex just drop me a message and if I'm free will always help.
What about saturday, im pretty sure um free then, I don't have a mic but I know what to do at each turn, plus I've got maxed ghally that I "earned"
Just add me as a friend and if I'm on, I will take you through. I'm never sure what days I will play as I'm on call.
Oh alright, I'll add you when I get a chance, thanks man, its good to know there's some cool people on here