1.Will The Taken King add new trophies and achievements?
2. What things of the content are free for all players and what are only for people that buy the expansion?
Edit: i forgot to ask a VERY important question:
3. Will TTK offer the digital upgrade from ps3/360 to ps4/one like the digital edition and both expansions of Destiny? (aka cross buy)
Yes on 3. Bro
Really? do you have any source? because i've never seen it being mentioned anywhere.
They said that all dlc would transfer check there Twitter
Ive just checked the taken king help article and it states this: "[u]Does Destiny: The Taken King qualify for the Digital Upgrade Program?[/u] No, Destiny: The Taken King is not part of the Digital Upgrade Program. This offer does still include qualifying Expansion Pass, Expansion I and Expansion II purchases. For more information, please see the Digital Upgrade Program Help article." Sadly, it won't be cross buy. https://www.bungie.net/en/Help/Troubleshoot?oid=13343
Ahh nevermind then they changed there mind I guess