I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Will we be able to re-roll our armor? Are the synthesis cool down times going to stay shared or will they be separate? Will we be able to change our character in game without having to make a new one? Something like going to Eva Levante's Boutique or something. Will sparrow's have more "tricks"? Like pressing R1/RB - L1/LB make the sparrow transform? Will Super Good Advice/Dragon's Breath be addressed when TTK drops? Will patrol finally have enemies that are at level? For example, a section at Rocketyard houses Lvl. 34 enemies. Since we have 200 max Vanguard marks and 200 max Crucible marks, when TTK drops, will the Legendary marks be at max 200 or 400? I only ask because if the max is 200, people can equal out their marks to 200 and not waste marks. Will ships still be purely decorative?