Can we PLEASE leave blink alone? Come on everyone cries in this community and until you guys block it out this game will keep declining. Honestly any and everyone can use blink. Just don't have 3 titans and you're fine. Its so easy to counter just lead you gun on their body. The problem is shotguns not the blink. Please cozmo?
I'm fine with blink and what's wrong with titans?
Lol go away murder im saying if you have 3 titans you can't use the shit
Agreed, people say it takes no skill and that's just not true. In fact, the majority of people I play against who use blink are garbage at it
I literally destroy anyone with blink in crucible ALL the time with EVERY gun type. No one wants to actually learn to get better or practice and learn the game everybody just wants to complain and ruin it.
I can't use blink worth shit, haha Do you need a high agility build? I always use max armor to watch out for those annoying tripmine grenades
No no the jump is the same no matter the stats. But all it is, is a teleport in whatever direction you're moving. Goin straight? Blink straight. Backin up? Blink back. Double tap for height. Wait 1 second for after initial jump for straight/angled blink.