I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
What is the ranking system going to be like for the foundries? Are we going to rank them up by faction specific bounties, a class item (like what is currently used for Dead Orbit, FWC and New Monarchy) or a completely new system? On a related note, how are the weapons for each foundry going to be available? Will you have to pledge alliance to a specific foundry or can you switch between? The game informer article stated something along the lines of a "foundry day." If you are able to discuss it, can you elaborate on how often this will come up? And will it be the only way to obtain the new foundry weapons? [b][i]THANK YOU TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE AT BUNGIE WHO WILL BE ANSWERING QUESTIONS :D[/i][/b]