I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Edited by DucksGoQuake: 8/19/2015 10:05:57 AMHey. 1. What is an artifact? ... What are artifact like things... 2. Weapon shaders 3. Sparrow racing? 4. New planets...other than the dreadnaught 5. How does the new reward system work...as it has been said RNG is now enhanced and rewards things you actually need and do not have....is this inventory based or vault/grimoire based? 6. Is there anything more than ghosts to search for...for grimoire hunters... 7. Will Eris/Variks/Brother Vance still offer any future value to us? 8. Does the TTK have any effect on the Reef, will that also are also expand and/or have more vendors? 9. Exotic engrams? 10. Fusion of weapons...in the works or a future update. E.g i have 2 legendary weapons...can i cash them in to get a guaranteed same rarity weapon that is not the same one... 11. Vault space? Can it be increased or will it stay the same? 12. Is there a special reward if we happen to have possession of a certain amount of exotics...such as all hunter/warlock/titan/weapon exotics or a certain category. Is there a special exclusive reward or buff to the game experience?