Will you be adding more trophies/achievements with TTK.
Would love to see some extremely hard ones and lot of PvP ones like the Halo games had.
But your shite at pvp m8
Haha what you doing on here I thought you left ages ago? They all come crawling back haha
Just had a break m8 Be playing other stuff Was on doing skolas the Other night pre order just went in
Yes they will be
Has it been confirmed?
Yea, I think from e3. I'll look it up and link it
http://www.playstationtrophies.org/news/news-16538-E3-2015--Destiny-The-Taken-King-Will-Have-Trophies.html http://planetdestiny.com/luke-smith-interview/ here you go. No mention of pvp trophies but we know new ones are coming