I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
[u]I'd like to see more support for solo players.[/u] One of the main draws for me pre-release was the promise I'd be able to play Destiny solo [b]OR[/b] in a group [u]if I choose to[/u]. I like to play alone. Since the expansions the game has been catering more and more to the Multiplayer crowd and alienating solo players such as myself. From what I've seen, read, and heard it sounds to me like TTK is going to once again stray into that even more such as implementing even multiplayer only things in patrol. I'd like to know if there are any plans to support solo players more. Things such as special missions or quests (daily/weekly) that provide chances to get items that usually require a team or certain per-requisites. Rewards could be anything from exotic bounties, special weapons (not raid), and items needed for various things (like estheric light). I'd also like to see options to choose to do things either with a team or solo. An example being the Weekly Heroic strike. I'd much prefer to do that solo. It would just be easier and more enjoyable in my opinion. I don't have time to deal with a finding or being part of a clan, [b]look for players outside of the game[/b], or try to live up the the expectations of the "elitests" (re: try hards). Solo is how I want to roll. I can deal with matchmaking, but given the choice I would much rather do things solo. Even the vanilla strikes would be more entertaining solo. If it's a server thing why can't it be hosted and played solely on that persons console as long as they are signed into Destiny. Surely the information in already on the console. I know it is for weekly, because for a long time those were solo. I've not yet made a decision on TTK and if I don't hear anything about it I am waiting to hear if it's solo friendly. If not I am afraid I will have to part ways with Destiny. TTK sounds like it's fixing a lot of concerns, but it's also ignoring a few major ones. This is one of them.