This is also what I'd like to know. Have they gone back and added/revamped cut scenes in the previous content to make the flow of the story more cohesive with TTK's narrative approach or did they simply re-dub all the ghost lines in vanilla and leave him silent in TDB and HoW?
After all, the excuse for replacing Dinklage was that they wanted consistency. Seems inconsistent that the ghost was so chatty, being as bold as addressing characters like the Queen and the Stranger like he thought he was the leader of your duo and then suddenly has nothing to say for two sagas. If we're going for consistency, it would make sense to completely re-do the script for the DLC content.
Yeah I just deleted my Titan to play though everything again. Hoping for more cut-scenes in general, on all missions. We'll see in a couple hours I guess. Or in a month
Also, I'm curious to know if Nolan North is simply going to be repeating the lines Dinklage spoke in his own style or is it going to be a complete re-write with new lines.