When will the strange coin currency be fixed? Currently, exotic items cost very little compared to how many coins the majority of destiny players have. It makes Deej's "earned" argument invalid. People have hundreds of coins and splurging on 6 gjallarhorn at once shows how much easier it is to obtain from Xur than rng, thus not being earned. It's a welfare system at best, like those 3rd place medals people get or "participation" trophies.
Edited by GrundleBeans: 8/19/2015 4:21:55 PMWhether you've got 3 coins or 300 from weekly/nightfall makes no difference to the fact that they are still earned. And whether it's "easy" for you doesn't make it too easy for others who don't have as much time or skill to get coins. Xur isn't for the hardcore or 1000 hr player, he's for new players and those who struggle to get exotics from anything. And it's not really your business if someone splurges on 6 gjallarhorn just because you don't.
You're trolling right? RNG based rewards are [b]literally [/b]participation trophies.