Matchmaking stays the same, but if you're being beat by maybe 8000 points, mercy rule makes the game end.
why do people insist on answering questions as if they know the answer, when they don't? They've stated multiple times that matchmaking is changing, that a lot of the way its done is being tweaked. They've never said anything about "maybe 8000 points" being the mercy rule. Why throw out numbers when we have no answers from Bungie yet? Not trying to be an ass but come on.
I agree - Bungie and other news outlets have already stated broadly that matchmaking specifically is being tweaked to create more balanced games so I don't think GTA has the right facts. I feel strongly that if PvP can improve matchmaking to like skill levels MANY more people will play and enjoy the format.
Can you enlighten me on what those tweaks are.
Also Forbes had an article on all changes announced - here is the info shared "Crucible has improved matchmaking and a new mercy rule that will end a match early when misbalanced" It is 2 things - 1) improved matchmaking and 2) mercy rule.
I don't know what the tweaks are, Bungie has only stated that "behind the scenes" is being changed/updated. Hopefully they're things that will make games more fair, and improve the lag situation.
That is my question - what are the tweaks. If you read the game informer article and others they say there are tweaks coming to matchmaking but no details.