Let's be honest.
The only real reason atheists are atheists is cause they're lazy.
You see, every atheist say that they don't believe in god because the burden of proof is on the believer, which translates to "I'm lazy I don't want to find evidence."
So, there, truth revealed. Atheists are lazy mother-blam!-ers.
The statement that all "blanks" are "blank" is always wrong. There is always an exception and to accept otherwise is to accept ignorance. On the touch of religion and god, the fact is [b]god[/b] is unprovable by its very own nature. Science or fact cannot prove or disprove it. The great debaters of our time have tried this task many times and the logic truth is always a "we just don't know." life is very long and we all know so little. Stay tolerant, stay humble, and most importantly; "the only thing we know is that we know nothing." [spoiler]lol bedroom philosopher out pzzz[/spoiler]