I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
This are my questions: 1.- What are we gonna do with the etheric light? will it become useless? 2.- Raid weapons (like fatebringer or black hammer) will become completely useless once you get lvl 40 gear? 3.- Will there still be a Reforge system? 4.- Will our Crucible and Vanguard Mark fuse togheter to a considerable amount of legendary marks? 5.- Is everything getting a reset (faction/vanguard/crucible ranks)? 6.- How many new missions are we gonna get? (not bounties, missions) 7.- How many new Exotics? 8.- More Vault space? 9.- A Higher glimmer cap? 10.- Launch time? midnight or a set hour? 11.- The exotic items that will be obtainable with the collectors editions, can we get them in game with random drops? or will they become only for the collectors edition owners? 12.- The King's Fall Raid become available some time after launch or with the launch? 13.- The VIP rewards are gonna be delivered on launch, before or after? that's all!