Cozmo i have a question that wasnt clearified by Bungie or any other news outlet like IGN,Gameinformer,etc (to my knowledge) so here it is
Q. what will people that don`t but the Taken King get when the Taken King Launches will it be like the House of Wolves were we get the light level stuff like gear and weapons but not the actually content like the raid,strikes, and Campaign.
while im here i might as well ask this question
Q.will we get to know more about the Awoken? thing like
Q.What was the Reef Wars
Q.who is really is The Crow and The Crows?
Q.who is the Queen and how did she come to power
Q. Will we know more about the characters and factions in the tower in the Destiny 2
Q. Will the Speaker play a role in the Taken King?
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