I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
This probably wont get read amongst the others, but in the hopes that it does.... Will the blink nerf be an all around nerf or one restricted to the crucible such as the shotguns being buffed only in pve around the house of wolves release date, and how exactly would you go about nerfing a [u]jump[/u]? Will there be more than just the ironwreath sidearm available or are sidearms going to be a thin and exclusive weapon type throughout? Will this new way to the destiny universe of story telling establish the motives of certain characters through cinematics that our guardian is not present in or will the story be exclusive to our point of view? Lastly [b]THANK YOU GUYS[/b] destiny even with its problems that it has had has remained one of my favorite games and the community is exceptional most of the time you've made this amazing game and you guys deserve the praise -Neyuxes