I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
Edited by jaguar_god33: 8/19/2015 4:36:24 PMIs The Taken King going to suck like Destiny, TDB and HoW, or will you actually deliver what you promise this time? Why should I trust you with my money this time, considering that you have burned me 3 times already? When will the god-awful RNG be fixed? I think that 20 each of Pest Control Matrix, Give Take Equation and Amplified Geo are 19 too many. Sleeper Simulant isn't the best you have, is it? It's not really looking like a gjallarhorn replacement at all from the gameplay. On the main page, you show some new faction armor for each character. It appears that you are just recycling old armor (especially for the Warlocks). Can't you guys think of something different?