Hi Cozmo, I know it's beating a dead horse but: matchmaking. Any changes being made? I really hope you take a moment to read this as I'm trying to make a level-headed argument for it.
I slightly understand the argument behind no matchmaking in Raids (at least on hard) but that argument doesn't work for any other modes. Nearly everything should have it. Nightfalls and Prison of Elders 32/34 are obvious as there is literally zero reason for them not to have it.
Trials of Osiris? That should also have matchmaking. However, it should match you up with other matchmade teams, while pre-made fireteams would be matched up with other pre-made fireteams.
Even the story missions should have (optional) matchmaking. At the very least, the Daily Story should as that can be a pain (meaning: not as fun) to play alone every day (especially on multiple characters).
Finally, the Raids. Standard matchmaking should be applied on the original two Raids when played on normal. They've been out long enough now. Many look at normal Crota as a longer strike. And honestly, now that players can hit level 40, standard matchmaking will probably work for hard as well. But as for the new Raid, why not introduce a "lobby" system for matchmaking? Even Phantasy Star Online did this back in the day on Dreamcast. When you go to start up the raid, you can either open a "lobby" that other people can join when they read the description you make for it. Or you can join others.
I hope you guys are listening. The lack of proper matchmaking is the only thing, in my mind, holding back Destiny from being brilliant. The LFG sites sometimes work but sometimes they don't. It took me an HOUR to find people for a Nightfall last night. That's just ridiculous and shouldn't be happening. Please guys.
Edited by skyguy: 8/20/2015 1:39:11 AMAdding matchmaking into trials will destroy the point of trials, its supposed to be a strategy-oriented game mode. Even if there was matchmaking, you'd have to rely on your teammates not sucking to go flawless. Trials is supposed to be end game and if it was exactly the same as regular crucible just with better rewards it won't be fun would it? That's like taking a story mission and just improving the rewards and calling it end game
You still could play with your friends. If you don't want to be teamed up with randoms for Trials, due to the fear of being matched with inexperienced players, then don't launch it solo, just wait for your actual friends to get online. Besides you can always form a plan of attack even if you're matched with randoms. Like he said, the game could match premade fireteams with other premade fireteams and random teams with other random teams. Honestly, adding matchmaking to Trials doesn't make it easier, it actually makes it more challenging for those willing to take the risk, whether you're with trusted companions or inxeprienced randoms, the possibility of losing is always present whenever you step into that arena, no matter how you look at it all comes down to how well you play.
Valid point. Then they should have a lobby matchmaking option, as I suggested for Raids.
Edited by ALoafOfBagels: 8/20/2015 1:30:14 AMPlay elimination sometime buddy. You couldn't make it 4-0 without any friends. And raids? You'd get a bunch of idiots.
A bunch of idiots just waiting to be molded into competent and helpful members of the guardian community. I was teaching a couple guys how to do VoG earlier today. It was actually nice to go through it all like it was new again
You still could play with your friends. If you don't want to be teamed up with randoms for Trials, due to the fear of being matched with inexperienced players, then don't launch it solo, just wait for your actual friends to get online. Besides you can always form a plan of attack even if you're matched with randoms. Like he said, the game could match premade fireteams with other premade fireteams and random teams with other random teams. Honestly, adding matchmaking to Trials doesn't make it easier, it actually makes it more challenging for those willing to take the risk, whether you're with trusted companions or inxeprienced randoms, the possibility of losing is always present whenever you step into that arena, no matter how you look at it all comes down to how well you play.
Why do you assume everyone who matchmakes is somehow an idiot who has never played a Raid? Adding matchmaking to the original two Raids at this point is a no-brainer. Stop.
[quote]Play elimination sometime buddy. You couldn't make it 4-0 without any friends. And raids? You'd get a bunch of idiots.[/quote]
I agree with everything you said except for the part about matchmaking for the Daily, I feel like the Daily is easy enough to solo without matchmaking. Yes, there are sites such as LFG but like you said, that method is very time consuming and has the added risk of you being kicked if you're not the host. With matchmaking you could be matched with players of similar levels without the fear of being kicked; and if you don't like how they play you can always just leave to find another group or wait for your actual friends to get online. I have friends who play Destiny but they have either stopped playing all together or are too busy too get online. I'm a very patient person and don't mind taking the time out to explain or strategize with random players met through matchmaking on how to complete a level. I've met most of my friends on Destiny through this method, we were randomly placed together while doing Vanguard strikes and decided to add each other as friends because we played so well together. I really enjoy Destiny but feel like I haven't truly experienced all of its endgame content due to never having a sufficient number of players to play with. I've already preordered TTK and am excited about the emphasis on the story and PvE but fear I want be able to "fully" enjoy all this wonderful new content due to the excessive need to have a full fireteam.
"I feel like the Daily is easy enough to solo without matchmaking." Understandable, but if they were to add matchmaking to the Daily, it would definitely be optional. It's not that it's hard but the game is designed around playing together. You can do any story mission with a fireteam of 3 people so I don't really understand why they wouldn't let you matchmake as an option.
True, optional matchmaking for the Daily would be nice. I also really agree with you about matchmaking for all of the other events, and really hope Bungie notices this post/request.
[quote]I agree with everything you said except for the part about matchmaking for the Daily, I feel like the Daily is easy enough to solo without matchmaking. Yes, there are sites such as LFG but like you said, that method is very time consuming and has the added risk of you being kicked if you're not the host. With matchmaking you could be matched with players of similar levels without the fear of being kicked; and if you don't like how they play you can always just leave to find another group or wait for your actual friends to get online and haven't done much PoE, Raids, or Trials because of this. I have friends who play Destiny but they have either stopped playing all together or are too busy too get online. I'm a very patient person and don't mind taking the time out to explain or strategize with random players met through matchmaking on how to complete a level. I've met most of my friends on Destiny through this method, we were randomly placed together while doing Vanguard strikes and decided to add each other as friends because we played so well together. I really enjoy Destiny but feel like I haven't truly experienced all of its endgame content due to never having a sufficient number of players to play with. I've already preordered TTK and am excited about the emphasis on the story and PvE but fear I want be able to "fully" enjoy all this wonderful new content due to the excessive need to have a full fireteam.[/quote]
Are you on xbox one?
No, PS4. From what I hear from people, the lack of matchmaking is even worse for One players.
PSO was the business!!!
I hope they bring pso2 to consoles in the US
Nice to see all the PSO love here. That was my first online gaming experience and I adored it. Hopefully now that PSO2 is announced for PS4, they bring it to the US finally.
Omg, probably the best online, shooter, sci-fi, social game every created. That game has a special place in my heart and memories. Makes me want to hunt down a dream cast and PSO and just boot it up. Dream cast was way to ahead of its time
I could not agree with you more. I feel like I've been looking for a replacement for PSO for years now and I actually thought Destiny was going to be it when it first launched. I can't imagine a game doing it as well as PSO did... why did it have to end?!!! It was WAY ahead of its time for sure
That is to a tee how I felt about destiny as well. As soon as I heard about it and started reading interviews and articles and watching vi-docs, I was just wishing and hoping for something to scratch that PSO itch. Sadly, I don't know that it's spiritual successor will rear it's beautiful little head while I still breath haha.
Totally agree matchmaking on all raids on normal,trials yes what a good idea this would get players a feel good factor nothing worse than soloing ur daily feels lonely on a game with millions of players apparently online allways. Yet the game feels emptying places even queens bounties your on your own often.patrols people who want matchmaking create a post if enough ask it will get done
I'm sorry but matchmaking in trials would be a completely awful idea
As I already said, if you matched up "matchmade teams" against "matchmade teams" it would be fine. Would you likely have a better chance at going flawless by playing all games with a pre-made fireteam? Of course. But not everyone needs or cares to go flawless. The point is, people should have the -option- if they want. And as I said in another comment, if Bungie feels iffy about that, they could easily do a lobby system where you open or enter groups.
Bump the gospel
They are bringing elimination whenever trials isn't around. There's the matchmade version =)