It seems you don't quite understand how it'll work. The faction weapons and such will be immediately available upon purchase for legendary marks, given that you are the required rank. The Gunsmith on the other hand, upon being the required rank, will have Foundry weapon packages that can be [i][u]special ordered[/u][/i] for a certain amount of glimmer. The following week on Wednesday, they'll be available for pickup. Essentially, it's like ordering something online, then having it delivered to your home, or a store for pickup, at a given date.
Are you on drugs? It's not a -blam!-ing "special order". You must think xur is random.
The Gunsmith doesn't keep them in stock, they are factory orders. Plus there's the whole background check!
Lol they are desperately adding 'playtime' that desticles keep bragging about
I have to ask: why do you even care? I looked at your profile and it appears you haven't played [u]at all[/u] since May 26th. It looks like you played PoE once and never came back.