Is there a spark of light that pushes a character to level 25.....?
Saw a post it was vague
But does it work on a new level 2 character....?
I'd actually make a titan if so
yes it does work on new characters.
Yea 25 but will you sub classes be maxed?? Me thinks not.
I would guess that level 25 will max your one active subclass. Since you don't have to wait to reach level 15, like a day one player, to switch to another subclass, you can decide which subclass to apply the boost to.
Yeah, it will. The purpose of the consumable is to boost any character straight to lvl 25. So if you start a new character, go through the first mission, "earn your grenade" and make it to the tower, then the consumable will be usable immediately, making your lvl 2 a lvl 25.
Tra make a Titan!!!
Yes Make a Titan!!!
Yes, any character under level 25 can use that object to reach level 25.
Yes. Only works on characters not already level 25.
Absolutely, no matter what level your character if it's lower than 25 you can use it and get them to that level. I've been waiting to finish my warlock for this reason.
Do u know....if The exotic kiosk thing.... which u can buy exotics from Allows u to purchase past dismantled exotics..... Example: dismantled all titan exotics Would I be able to purchase those after TTK there....because I ligit acquired them (Worked today missed everything ) Thanks n advance
description of item states it will work on any character below 25 and bring them to 25 and unlock ttk questline