From nearly 400 per toon. At 1200 basically. Down to 2. I used them alot for materials and am usually capped. But my gripe is the cap is extremly low
Edited by DmoTraz: 8/19/2015 8:07:30 PMLet me break this down into terms that may apply to your playstyle. You cap your vanguard and crucible marks, currently lets say you cap your account at the beginning of the reset on tuesday but you also continue to play all week. As of now you hit that cap on tuesday you can only spend those 200 vanguard and 200 crucible marks over the course of the week until next tuesday. So the count right now is 400 to spend every seven days. As I said earlier we'll assume that even though you cap your wallet on tuesday every week you play for the rest of the week as well. With the taken king, you now cap your wallet on tuesday which of course is only 200 however lets say by wednesday you have played enough hours to recap your wallet at 200 again. With that in mind look at the numbers below: Year One Destiny: 100 vanguard and crucible mark weekly cap. 200 marks all earned on tuesday 200 marks to spend every week 8 hours of play per day Max weekly to spend 200 TTK Destiny: Infinite weekly cap 200 marks earned tuesday 200 marks spent on tuesday 8 Hours of play tuesday 200 marks earned on wednesday 200 marks spent on wednesday 8 hours of play wednesday 200 marks earned on thursday 200 marks spent on thursday 8 hours of play thursday (At this point you have now spent 600 marks) 3 days remaining in the week prior to reset. If you continue the play trend from the first three days of the week you will earn and spend 200 marks for 3 more days. Weekly total for playstyle in TTK: 1200 marks Final summary 400 weekly < 1200 weekly
Edited by bcus im batman: 8/19/2015 8:13:46 PMWe should be able to hold more. All the rest is easily understandable Hold 200 > 1200
Edited by DmoTraz: 8/19/2015 8:20:54 PMBut you have no basis for argument nothing is worth over 200 marks meaning you don't need to save more than that for any given article for sale in the game. spend 200 and re-earn 200 infinitely. You don't complain because you can't fit your yearly wages worth of cash in your actual wallet do you?
Materials. Upgrade for exotics. Alot of things will require this new currency I bet you would not be happy if you could have 1 million in your account but only take out $200 once in a while. You would want the entire thing available. Its called no cap.
Right now I max out my crucible marks in 2 days on my warlock. After TTK I will never max out for the week because I can spend the 200 the minute I hit the cap for the wallet and then go back to earning more. I'm sure I'll be able to easily earn well past 1200 in a week. Also, now I can stay on my main toon and the alts can use the marks to buy stuff for themselves instead of needing to grind marks on just that toon.
Thats one positive and I agree. But we should be able to hold 1000 at least