Theirs no weekly cap for marks. So you can get as much as you want after you spend it
the point is I will have to go spend it on shit I don't want. I don't want to keep going back to the -blam!-en tower to buy shit I don't need or want. When I which characters to go do night fall I will have to got to tower first just to waste marks. That is -blam!-en dumb if they allow 200 per character that would be better than this -blam!-en dumbass idea.
Well if you already have stuff you don't want to buy then what's the problem?
The problems is have a -blam!-en low cap and when there is something I want to buy I can go buy two or three items. How I will buying shit once a day. I which means I will have to keep on going back to the -blam!-en tower. The change destiny so you don't have to go back to the tower but this dumb mark system is forcing me to go back.
At 6 marks per activity and 25 for NF, that's about 24 activities. 24 activities at even 10 min per = 240 mins or 4 hours. So going to the tower once every 4 hours is a royal painpain in the ass?
Yes it is, I hate going to the tower. When there is something I want I will go and buy it in bulk. I just spent 170 marks on all three character to go buy rare sparrow to up grade. With this new system I will have to stop and buy one then grind again. Or I might forget to got to the tower and lose out on marks as I at max if there were 200 each character which we are use to then I won't forget how much I have made on one character.
If going to the tower once every 4 hours bothers you this much, its fair for me to assume then that you are playing waaay too much and should seek professional help as you have an actual addiction to the game.
Yes I play this game every day you can tell by my grimoire score. Not being able to bulk buy is going to piss me off greatly and having to check on how many marks I have before I do a nightfall, weekly, daily or pvp is going to suck. Because if you forgot to check you will miss out on marks and the way it currently stands it will be very hard to get marks quickly if you do the major event i.e nightfall, weekly and dailies.
At 6 marks per activity and 25 for NF, that's about 24 activities. 24 activities at even 10 min per = 240 mins or 4 hours. So going to the tower once every 4 hours is a royal pain in the ass?
It's honestly very nice to have it synchronized across characters and no weekly cap. It allows players to choose who they want to play on and still progress with other characters, if they care to go through the process of switching characters. Additionally, it still rewards players for doing what they want to do. If you like a piece of crucible gear, but can't stand a game mode that rewards players with shoddy connections, you don't have to slog through something that you don't enjoy. You can do the Taniks strike for the 1,000,000,000th time and still progress towards that sick ass looking crucible piece of gear. Also, don't be sitting there, complaining that you'll "have" to go back to the tower constantly. I know, you know, and everybody else knows that if you don't want to be going back to the tower every 17 strikes or 17-26 crucible matches.
You will now have to go back to the tower because you maxed you marks. After 34 strikes if they stay the same of 6marks. Crucible is the same if you don't loss which in iron banner we don't, 48wins straight. I normally would go to the tower I would just switch characters and join back with my team and continue to play. Now I will have to go back to the tower every 30 games to cash in my marks and then go back to join my team (which will piss them off as we normally don't stop for anything).
34 strikes, assuming you somehow do every last one in 5 minutes with load-in and matchmaking times included, would take you 170 minutes or nearly 3 hours to max out your marks. 3 hours is a lot of time to just be grinding your nose against strikes, especially if you're doing it at breakneck pace. 99% of the people who play destiny would certainly want a break after 34 strikes. Of the 1% of players who can do 30+ strikes in a row without batting an eye, a majority of them wouldn't even bat an eye at a few lost marks. Assuming you'll still be able to earn marks from repeatable activities, what Bungie is trying to do here is limit the speed at which people hit end game, to avoid having sudden crashes where players are left wondering why it only took them 12 hours to hit the new cap of power, when they had spent some amount of the 1200 marks they had stored to fill in the spots that were left open from the items that they got from the faction packages that they got from edging their factions and pumping the last bit of experience into them. In other words. Relax. Just enjoy the game and don't focus so much on your marks. Destiny is a game, not a life or a job.
The carry cap is 200 like before, but now you can buy what you want from any vendor and refill your marks without a weekly limit. And really if theirs nothing you want to buy then what's the problem with having 200 marks?
Edited by Fury: 8/19/2015 9:51:30 PMWhat happen when there is one thing I do want to buy and I want one for each character? I want be able to stock pile marks to buy more than one item. When there is something I want I will go and buy it in bulk. I just spent 170 marks on all three character to go buy rare sparrow to up grade. With this new system I will have to stop and buy one then grind again. Or I might forget to got to the tower and lose out on marks as I at max if there were 200 each character which we are use to then I won't forget how much I have made on one character.
Well now you can buy those things without having to wait 7 days just to refill your marks. Also you can get the marks back with any character instead of having to grind it up on all 3
Edited by Fury: 8/19/2015 10:06:24 PMNo you can't the daily is once per character and I do them for the xp. You clearly don't grind for marks I would have to run 4 strike mission to get the same marks as a HoW daily. Why would do that if they take 40mins to do the four of them when a daily take 10mins.? I like playing all three characters.
Edited by AburameDon: 8/19/2015 10:06:28 PMThat's assuming the daily is the only way to get marks
Currently nightfall, weekly, daily, strike playlist and public event are the only way to get vanguard marks, and crucible marks can only come from crucible. Bungie hasn't show anything different and this model hasn't change in a year. All I saw in the twitch is one mission that offered marks and that was a weekly mission. That is facts as of right now, like I said you clearly don't know how to farm marks.
With upmost efficiency? No. But Im going to end this soon because I still don't get what's upsetting you. At first you said won't have anything to buy with marks, then that you won't have enough marks(even though theirs no weekly cap), and now that you'll have to play the game to get them, which is the what we already do
Edited by Fury: 8/19/2015 10:32:41 PMWhen there is something I want I will go and buy it in bulk. I just spent 170 marks on all three character to go buy rare sparrow to up grade. With this new system I will have to stop and buy one then grind again. Or I might forget to got to the tower and lose out on marks as I at max if there were 200 each character which we are use to then I won't forget how much I have made on one character. I like to stock pile enough marks so I can bulk buy items.
Soon you will have the potential to buy as many sparrows as you play. Instead of just 3 for that one week. But i do understand where you are coming from now
That is true I can more but it will be harder to get more marks, if you don't watch your cap. As I stated earlier once you have done the major events that give you the most marks e.g. nightfall, weekly, and daily it will be very low grind 34 strikes or 34 wins in pvp to get to cap again. This new system is very flawed system.
If it does end up flawed let's just hope they remedy it faster than they did with the low marks earned before the HoW update