They belabored the point endlessly before Alpha, that Destiny is Not an MMO, it is a, "shared world shooter," and any mechanics which may be common in MMOs will be geared towards an enjoyable shooter First.
Part of this, was that your gear and loadout customization, your class and sub class would matter but not keep you from progressing and becoming stronger along with the challenges. And your style and personal choices of gear and appearance would uniquely identify you for 10+ years as a part of your "becoming legend."
Fast forward. The opposite was true.
You had to leave behind gear you liked because though it looked cool, it was too weak. With no transmogrification option.
Guns, you could level up... But they were left behind. So they answered the community and gave an ascension option. Which really, to me, was a positive compared to MMOs because it wasn't just a matter of looking at a stat chart and going with the "Lionheart" or "Excalibur" you could actually have your own weapon of choice viably.
Now they're saying, we don't want you to still be using whatever weapon 10 years from now.
But why not? That's the point of having your OWN legend... To have your own personal OPTIONS.
One guy may have bragged after 10 years, I've been using my trusty handcannon since Year 1!
Another guy may have bragged, I've earned and used every single gun in the game!
That should be up to the Player to leave behind or keep their old favorites. Bungie so often with Destiny changes things that didn't need to be changed, while leaving the real problems unaddressed.
There are a lot of back and forth topics on it. But ultimately, I think it boils down to that one thing. Leave the choice in the PLAYERS hands.
If someone wants to be legendary because they beat all the content with a No Land Beyond, let them lol
It not only extends to guns and armor though, now with the NEW system in place... Even your ghost shell and class items affect your light. So if you have a blue ghost shell and a green class item you Really think look cool, it's no longer just a matter of looks. Now those two items will bring your light level down. Rather than just giving them buffs, and not giving them light... now you are basically forced to change to something else, if newer activities come with a suggested minimum light level to be able to survive.
[quote]There are a lot of back and forth topics on it. But ultimately, I think it boils down to that one thing. Leave the choice in the PLAYERS hands.[/quote] This x1000. Like you pointed out, even SPECIFICALLY COSMETIC ITEMS now undermine your light. Effing [i]cosmetic items.[/i] Who thought this through?! DX So taking away my Adept primaries wasn't enough, Bungie? And my Armor? Now I don't even have my CLASS ITEMS to show for it? Great, glad to know that [i]none[/i] of my time was worth anything, guys.
I still havent been able to bring myself to vault my VoC. That gun has been at my side since my first every VoG run right back in the first few weeks of the game. Given the choice I would [i]love[/i] to bring that gun with me through the entirety of my future time in the Destiny world. Eventually, I'd be one of the only people running it, folk would ask where I'd found it, and I'd glady tell them where and how I got it, and how it had seen me through every endgame activity til that point :)
This reminds me of one of the green Hunter cloaks. Forget the name, remember the flavor text. [i]When you see a Hunter with a simple cloak, ask her where she got it, and what the cloth remembers.[/i]
I remember another one: A child asked me if I was a clock. I said, "Yes, I'm keeping time until the world is safe for you." I always liked that one.