I just finished my 1st match.
I've hated the last 2 Cods but treyarch hasn't disappointed yet.
True, the three year dev cycle shows this year. I can only imagine how good zombies is going to be, can't wait for release.
[quote]I just finished my 1st match. I've hated the last 2 Cods but treyarch hasn't disappointed yet.[/quote] The last 2? Call of Australia: Kangaroo Warfare and Call of Duty: Best Character Was the Dog Yeah I didn't like those either.
No one did...
Except all the CoD Youtubers...
Well if they said they hated cod, then how are they going to get their pay checks?
Uhmm become homeless?
Exactly. If they said they hated cod, then Activision would stop giving them their pay checks, then resulting in them becoming homeless.