[quote]Are you blind or did you just not watch the stream?[/quote] I watched. The part where SPECIFIC exotics will be upgradeable. Yes, does that scream every single one to you? It's not like I'm the only person questioning this. Because they never said all of them would be upgradeable.
Yes we did and they said they will only be making a year 2 of some exotics, they stated if they chose to create a year two of an exotic they will let us know. They haven't made a year two of all exotic as of yet.
I'm sure they will and if they don't the exotics stuck on year one will be raid-related. It's only logical
Just read on both ign and polygon that ghorn, ice thron, and vex won't have a year two.
Deej said something about, "what your gjallarhorn will turn into" in the stream today.[spoiler]only time will tell[/spoiler]
thats good news. It might be we won't get to year 2 exotics until the next dlc or the one after that.
That is true but some exotic are going to be harder to buff as they suck ass (queens bow, drags promise, dragon breath, and the no land) I'm not sure if there is any hope in making these weapons better.