Did no one else notice that certain year one exotics are getting left behind in the twitch stream? Not only are legendaries getting left behind, now some exotics are as well. What doesn't Bungie understand about choice and making my time spent playing this game irrelevant?
Edit: Not only that but we have to repurchase them and upgrade them again. So its a grind again for weapons we already ground for.
Edit 2: If you count the amount of exotic blueprints for year two and compare that number to year one exotics there are not enough year two blueprints to match year one. Signaling there are going to be guns left behind, or the fact that Bungie took existing exotics and put one new perk on them, claiming they added "new" exotics for the Taken King.
Edit 3: The exotics that WERE NOT available in year two on the twitch stream were Universal Remote, Ice Breaker, Ghorn, Super Good Advice, Hardlight, Mythoclast, Necrochasm, and PoE exotics.
Edit 4: At 9:05 the exotics are explained and it is said that SOME, NOT ALL, exotics will carry over to TTK. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MaaLjwuqe9A
Edit 5: The weekly update confirms that some year exotics will be left behind. https://www.bungie.net/en/News/News?aid=13414
Edit 6: If Bungie decides to leave Mythoclast, Nechrocasm, and PoE exotics behind there will be no point in doing any of those associated activities. Maybe do them once to experience the activity, but anything beyond experience is a waste of time since Guardians will gain NOTHING from doing those activities.
Edit 7: If Bungie decides to keep all year one legendaries and some year one exotics left behind that nullifies parts of Patch 2.0. What is the point of changing old guns if they aren't being brought forward? Oh wait. We have to modify this ENTIRE game for PvP.
Edit 8: Here is more proof some exotics are being left behind. http://planetdestiny.com/bungies-year-1-exotic-problem/
Edit 9: Bungie's words, not mine, "The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected." Bungie Weekly Update 12/04/14.
Edit 10: Possible solution: make a new material for accession that is only available in TTK content that would allow you to upgrade your gear to year two standards. Keep etheric light so you could upgrade weapons to the maximum values for year one while progressing through year one or turn those left over etheric light into commendations. The possible solutions would not be hard to implement since Bungie already likes to recycle programs and add a couple new ornaments here and there.
Edit 11: To you recent players who bought the Ghorn from Xur, how does it feel to be trolled by Bungie since the Ghorn will be obsolete in TTK?
All Y1 exotics not ascended to Y2 levels will be ascended to that power level [i][b]eventually[/b][/i]
If they made year 2 ghorn it would be way to op
I 1000% agree that it's a slap in the face to all year 1 players who spent hundreds if not thousands of hours grinding to get the best of the best weapons....only to have bungie rip our treasured items from is with no use for them as of the TTK release. What's even worse is the exotics they chose to bring over to year 2 are the ones that most people didn't even use. I find it funny that bungie is really trying to avoid the most controversial weapons lime the galahorn and thorn buy simply dismissing there existence. How simple of a fix to weapons balancing...simply not including them in year 2... Didn't think we would notice bungie? Another lazy moment brought to you by the bungie team. In all seriousness though...bungie.. How do you expect people to keep grinding for weapons on TTK because we all know upon next release our weapons will be useless. I might as well stop playing now and wait until year 10 since you can care less about dedicated players and favor new money...because that's exactly what it's about... Screw the day 1 players that basically bought a beta but give discounts to noobs and make it easy to rank up...while day 1 guardians sit in the trenches looking at you crooked!
This game has been just a huge dissapointment, I can't deny it anymore.
Edited by zzzsdagon: 9/4/2015 1:27:35 PMI dont mind how theyre leaving exotics, if you think about it bungies gotta make stuff better than the year 1 exotics. For example: Ive seen some videos on the sleeper stimulant and people saying its the new G-horn, see what i mean? (Im actually wondering how theyre gonna do a gun simmilar to the ice breaker. :D)
All exotics need to be upgradable to TTK levels, period.
The stream was Deej account and he had only a few. I hope some more are sent to year 2
To start this off this is just an educated assumption. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. From many interviews I have seen, they tell you they want you to make tough choices on what gear to keep. What gear represents your legend. 10 years with the same guns would be boring. DO NOT BUY INTO THIS. They can careless how you play the game. They care if you play and the ratings they get. It comes down to $$$. Every single space in our vaults uses up server space somewhere. The more vault space the more servers. It cost them more $$$. When you got millions of people playing your game even small additions to the vault and up to quite a large amount of space being taken up. That's why they want us to make difficult choices. We are only 1 year into a 10 year game and this will be the second vault space addition. They're not going to continue to keep adding space. It's not cost effective. At some point hard decision will be made. But they should not be making these decisions for us by forcing year 2 gear and making year one obsolete. The whole reason they're adding the exotic blue print kiosks is because it takes up less server space. The vault stores data for both the weapons you have and how far on each weapons tree you progressed. The kiosks just stores data on the weapons. The reason why you have to start over progression from anything you pull out of there. Which saves a ton of server space. My solution. Allow year 1 gear ascension. Let's us make the choices. Add kiosks for legendary gear. This way we can keep our endgame and special event gear we worked hard for. We would just have to relevel it up if we pull it out of there
Zero exotics should be left behind ... period. I had some fun, but as a collector/completionist I feel like all these hundreds of hours I spent collecting every single exotic weapon were completely wasted hours.
Eh.. R.I.P. They had a good run..
We don't need all of them ghorn can leave, but it depends are they going to make bullet sponge bosses, if so then ghorn needs to be here.
Raid exotics should progress to year two, they are the most unique and hard to get weapons in the game.
Bump = Am I the only Guardian that is a firm believer that PVP & PVE changes, patches, buffs and nerfs should be completely separate??? I understand that some may play both, one or the other = but considering I bought this game souly for PVE play and have no interest what so ever in PVP = why should my gaming experience suffer due to a part of the game I don't play...?
I agree with Bungie. The PvE routine for solving all problems with the same exotics has dulled the experience. I am disappointed that they aren't bringing these guns forward, but only because I know they did it simply because they couldn't be bothered to improve those guns. Right choice, wrong reason.
I imagine it will be like when xur sold upgrades for exotics, we will get different upgrades each week or month. You need to calm down.
I'm done with this shitty game.
[quote]Bungie's words, not mine, "The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear: The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected." [/quote] Yep.... ...and they tried to give us what we wanted...and it clearly didnt' work. Ascension and reforging turned out to be the unworkable mistakes that I predicted they'd be.
[quote]Suck it fanboys [quote][b]Bungie Weekly Update - 12/04/2014[/b] by DeeJ “The last thing we wanted was for you to look at your favorite gun or helmet and decide that it had become obsolete. Since the reveal, we’ve read a lot of ideas for how this could have been done better. Your feedback is clear:[u][i] [b]The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.”[/b] [/i][/u] Looks like we have been played! #saveourexotics[/quote][/quote]
"The time you have invested in your stuff should be respected.”
Here ya go bro. http://i911.photobucket.com/albums/ac314/lllwarchildlll/-DESTINY%20general%20Pics-/F0EA63E7-9212-4CC2-9FEF-AD8064331FC0.jpg