Adding matchmaking into trials will destroy the point of trials, its supposed to be a strategy-oriented game mode. Even if there was matchmaking, you'd have to rely on your teammates not sucking to go flawless.
Trials is supposed to be end game and if it was exactly the same as regular crucible just with better rewards it won't be fun would it? That's like taking a story mission and just improving the rewards and calling it end game
You still could play with your friends. If you don't want to be teamed up with randoms for Trials, due to the fear of being matched with inexperienced players, then don't launch it solo, just wait for your actual friends to get online. Besides you can always form a plan of attack even if you're matched with randoms. Like he said, the game could match premade fireteams with other premade fireteams and random teams with other random teams. Honestly, adding matchmaking to Trials doesn't make it easier, it actually makes it more challenging for those willing to take the risk, whether you're with trusted companions or inxeprienced randoms, the possibility of losing is always present whenever you step into that arena, no matter how you look at it all comes down to how well you play.
Valid point. Then they should have a lobby matchmaking option, as I suggested for Raids.