it means a lot to me I'm currently trying to max it. it's just that they have fixed a lot of things in destiny, have listened to our sole complaints, and plan to fix these things with the taken king. they are trying to push the next dlc, this dlc will be the largest one to date. you have to understand that minimal man power can be focused on one bugged grimoire card at this point in time, you know?
Nope don't care. Fix it
that's very illogical though you kind of have to keep an open mind when it comes to stuff like this is you ever hope for it to get fixed
[quote]you kind of have to keep an open mind when it comes to stuff like this[/quote] What? No I don't, it's not an issue of me crossing my fingers and hoping they'll fix the problem. It's a known issue with a major part of their game for completionists. Do you think if everyone said [b]"we know [i]vault space[/i] sucks but don't complain and just count your lucky stars"[/b] that they would have taken the resources and time to rework the entire UI for a game that's only going to be relevant for another year? Doubt it. Yeah just because you said that I'm gonna repost in this thread everyday about Grimoire not being fixed.
good, complain. it's the only way stuff will get fixed and I totally agree with you on that stuff. but when it comes down to it, the developing hours have to be split up to tackle this dlc. when it comes to this doubles card, it's very stupid that it hasn't been fixed, but if you'd rather have this doubles card fixed than man hours be spent designing the oryx fight, you may have jumbled priorities do you see what I'm saying
Look dude, I never shitpost, or whine in the forums or beat up dead issues and add to the toxicity of this crap community. So when I do finally have an issue with one small, seemingly easy fix for this game. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't belittle my opinion by saying [quote]you may have jumbled your priorities[/quote] in my eyes it's no different than a broken boss fight, engrams that decode into blues, weapon perks not working correctly or any other of the major issues that have plagued this title. K thanks
okay you get this one small fix. I can understand that thanks for not shit posting like some of the community. but stop acting like you are better than me because of your opinion I'm trying to respectfully have a debate with you but you're reacting like a 5 year old having a melt down because daddy won't bring him his grimoire. realize bungee is working on it. it'll be fixed soon, move on.
[quote]I'm trying to respectfully have a debate with you[/quote] Your first reply you used an instant flame word like [i]edgy[/i] but apparently you were trying to have a respectful debate... Ok Go [b]f[/b]uck yourself Tek Tom and have a swell evening.
and I've used one "flame word" but ever one of your responses has ended with you saying snarky shit that makes me believe that either your parents don't give you enough attention or you just don't know how to make a noose sadly I can't help with either one.
and you keep quoting me haha
Edited by BugsInMySkin: 8/20/2015 2:42:46 AMyou were acting really edgy and still are. it's not a flame word you are just being a silly kike
Edited by Folk: 8/20/2015 2:56:22 AMAnd yet I didn't call you edgy, a five year old, cry baby or insinuate that you should kill yourself... I did tell you to sodomise yourself though and I apologise for that. Good night man I'm over it.
Edited by DysangeI: 8/20/2015 12:29:42 PMTake a few deep breaths and go for a walk. If you'd rather not have months of enjoyment just because a number is 5 points off, that's up to you, but it is pretty -blam!-ing weird. There are a lot of slight bugs in Destiny, but the game breaking ones are a lot more important than some number that doesn't actually change anything in the slightest.
thanks for apologizing man that's all I wanted I apologize too have a nice night man