Nerfed because it's unfair to people who don't have it [but selling it solved this problem]... Nerfed to destroy our satisfaction of obtaining it and let it be easier on themselves
Edited by Executor Hideo: 8/20/2015 3:02:30 AMAnd yet... [spoiler]Itll be useless in year 2 anyway because it cannot be ascended.[/spoiler]
Have they said exotics aren't moving forward? They said that about legendaries, but I thought exotics were. If exotics are locked in history then I won't even buy TTK. I've already been playing Dragon Age Inquisition for the past few weeks.
Edited by Executor Hideo: 8/20/2015 3:14:46 AMExotics are moving forward in a wierd way. If youve discovered their past forms, you can buy their year two versions for cheap. However, it seems as though there is only a select few exotics advancing to year two status. Suros is going/being repainted black. Thunderlord is going/be redone. Gjallarhorn, SGA, and Dragons Breath appear to be unavailable as year two versions. They will forever have weak attack levels. At least we all stay 34 when its released! (Bungie will go into your inventory, find your highest light level, and make it your normal level.)