Will you ever fix the glitches in Crotas End!??
Or atleast make Crota Harder?(more health)
Crotas End is the least enjoyable thing in Destiny to me it's so boring and all requires glitches and it's not challenging or fun. CROTA is too easy now that guardians are so way higher level than the difficulty level. Atheon is hard as a 30 but still hard as a 34!
Make Crota the same make him have more health! Like seriously plz.
[spoiler]work on fixing the events/raids/strikes not in nerfing weapons. [/spoiler]
Thats old news. They said they fixed the crota glitches, which is still cheese-able.
If you think Atheon is hard then just wow
hell no, just glitches only
Did you just say Atheon is hard???? My fire team only needs one round to kill him...