Really?... -blam!-en First person shooters are awful as shit these days. Boost jump, extended slide, and supers. That isn't CoD, it's complete shit.
I stopped playing FPS games for a while, soon realised that I still enjoy the genre immensely :)
Gamers; Cod is the same shit year after year. developers: let's try todo something different with Cod. Gamers: this game is trash it's not the same shit. me: silly gamers
When a consumer asks for different shit, they mean [i]different shit.[/i] Not a copy of someone else's different shit.
So wall running=titalfall ripoff Bitch please wall running was around way before titanshit.
[quote]When a consumer asks for different shit, they mean [i]different shit.[/i] Not a copy of someone else's different shit.[/quote] Where do you see wall running and/or Titanfall in my comment?
I wasn't talking to you
Edited by ZUON: 8/20/2015 9:31:20 PMYes... you... were?