I think what bungie is pursuing is you experiencing a hundred percent of the taken king not just picking a gun and then going back to old reliables. Making new guns stronger instead of just replacing them gain is the best way to make the new ones go to guns
As I said, there is nothing about giving year 1 weapons Infusion that would prevent me from experiencing 100% of TTK. If the new weapons are good, I'll start using them regularly. But if Bungie follows the same pattern that it has with the last 2 DLCs, then it's likely that I'll want to stick with my old gear anyway because the new stuff doesn't measure up in performance. Or, it's entirely possible, that even though the new gear is great I simply prefer the old stuff, and I'd like to stick with it. The problem is, Bungie doesn't want to leave that choice to the players. If this really is "our legend" then why can't we make our own choices about weapons and gear? If the weapons and gear really will be so much better than the old stuff, then why not let us see for ourselves and then decide to move on? If our time really does matter to Bungie, then why are our old weapons getting left in the dust?
The original whites and greens from the campaign are still usable at level 20 but you choose your current legendaries because they are better. In the same way the taken king will have better weapons that you would most likely use. Your argument is the taken king weapons won't be better but they will because they'll be stronger. To me it sounds like your argument could be made for ascending current rare gear
Edited by MechaBeowulf DW: 8/20/2015 3:51:18 PMI didn't have any real need to grind out greens and whites, and I never really used one for anymore than 2 levels or so. Not true of the legendary gear. Due to the fact that we had to "level them up" so to speak, and the fact that there was no reason to drop them for something higher level, meant that many legendary weapons tended to stick around for quite a while. As such, much like a favorite car, or a preferred gun in real life, players got a feel for their weapons, if only due to the commitment required to bring them to full power. As to your implication that TTK gear will be stronger: Yes, of course. Numerically it will be stronger, but my point was never about raw damage, it was about performance. As an example, I like the way that Vision performs, I don't like the way that Fang and Leash perform.