But its an mmo. Because there's a massive amount of people. Multiplayer. And its online.
Edited by DirtDiver_17: 8/20/2015 7:03:55 PMThat doesn't make it an MMO kid. It's and FPS Bungie has even said this themselves. It only carries a few features over from MMOs.
You're right. It's not [i]a[/i] mom.
Oh god, the auto correct; gets ya every time!
Every tid bit of endgame content is taken directly from an mmo, most of the game actually is mmo like, the only fps bit is that it's in first person. You're delusional if you believe otherwise.
You're a faggit if u think it's an MMO. It may share a small bit of features but even Bungie who made the game states it's an FPS RPG. It's ok kid, not everyone is right and a benefit to society.
But the "Massively Multiplayer" part of MMO, is to stand for when you get a LOT of people playing together, or near each other in the same game. And that is certainly not Destiny. We are allowed groups of only 3, and 6 for raids. The most people I've seen together are at Public Events, and we had 11 people. And then as soon as the event was over, everyone left, and was moved to different servers when we hit landmarks. Sadly, Destiny doesn't have many of the "team-based" objectives that really makes an MMO enjoyable. Hopefully this will be changed.
Mmh. TTK shows a lot of promise with expanding.
Okay that's fair. But it's an unconventional mmo, bun fir routinely reminds us that it's a shooter at heart
Since when is 16 people considered massive? Because that's the most people allowed in one space.