At 6 marks per activity and 25 for NF, that's about 24 activities. 24 activities at even 10 min per = 240 mins or 4 hours. So going to the tower once every 4 hours is a royal painpain in the ass?
Yes it is, I hate going to the tower. When there is something I want I will go and buy it in bulk. I just spent 170 marks on all three character to go buy rare sparrow to up grade. With this new system I will have to stop and buy one then grind again. Or I might forget to got to the tower and lose out on marks as I at max if there were 200 each character which we are use to then I won't forget how much I have made on one character.
If going to the tower once every 4 hours bothers you this much, its fair for me to assume then that you are playing waaay too much and should seek professional help as you have an actual addiction to the game.
Yes I play this game every day you can tell by my grimoire score. Not being able to bulk buy is going to piss me off greatly and having to check on how many marks I have before I do a nightfall, weekly, daily or pvp is going to suck. Because if you forgot to check you will miss out on marks and the way it currently stands it will be very hard to get marks quickly if you do the major event i.e nightfall, weekly and dailies.