Hi Cosmo,
Couple of questions:
1. I have legendary cloaks & bonds from the speaker that I have gained during year one having spent 25 motes each time. Upon release will these items gain perks or will they become redundant? If they do become redundant how will Destiny compensate me for buying the same aesthetic item twice?
2. Year one weapons. Could you please clarify Deejs repeated warning to keep our year one legendaries - I cannot see what purpose they will serve? Can a year one legendary be used to infuse a year two? If we dismantle them after release will they produce legendary marks?
Hope you will be able to help.
bout question 2: that's exactly it: ANY legendary item you dismantle will give marks AFTER TTK is released... so stock pile any legendaries you can, fill your vault to max, and hope for the best.
No one is gnna compensate u .... Its called the grind
From the sounds of things the legendary cloaks/bonds might at least give marks when I dismantle them - which is better than receiving nothing. To be clear, I have no problem with grinding to get new gear - I do take issue with grinding to get old gear I have already obtained though. The biggest problem for me is the relatively short timescale where your rewards are actually relevant - take prison of elders it's only been out a few months & all I that gear will become fairly useless when the taken king hits...
Ya i get u- marks more important now then never its looking like