Why are you nerfing gjallarhorn the only gun capable of killing a boss in a suitable amount of time while the bosses cant be close quartered and pretty much snipes you when your not even bringing it into year 2
People are too reliant on one weapon, which is currently equal to the easy button. How about we all try a little bit of skill to down bosses.
Because gjallarhorn was a gun used by almost everybody because of its brute destruction. I soloed the nightfall and killed the boss with gjallarhorn and a few black hammer snipes.
All exotics will be upgradable, that's why they are exotics, only a few will have them in this 10 years...
Not all exotics are upgradable, check your facts
Dude trust me xD, all I know is that I saw Monte Carlo and that's my fav weapon
Dude if you seen the twitch stream, they said only certain exotics will be upgradable to year 2, most OP such as gally and thorn aren't being upgradable to year 2 exotics
You just answered your question. Because it makes things to easy and doesn't let people actually enjoy the game.
Considering you've had the ghally for a few days from xur...
Ya, it's only 343 attack
Who said i havent upgraded it
Lol ur funny
Because it was actually buffed in the first couple weeks and has been overpowered ever since
Skolas this week small arms preferred. Last time with that modifier we only used RL on the servitors to break bonds then it was 3 VOC with headshots doing plenty of damage with no ooooh I just need to pop a heavy synth or I am on cooldown for another x mins etc. The modifiers can help you. This weeks NF the same. Not used a RL for it.
Ok call me stupid but can you please tell me what RL means? Thank you. I Know the VOC is the vision just not the RL
Rocket Launcher. Not stupid - apologies
Thank you
This was needed. Now people will find a new white whale. Destinylfg sites will no longer keep people from joining that don't have the Gj.
It just makes the game slow and boring
oh perish the thought youd have to use your brain and find another weapon/skill/ability to do the raid etc properly. Ghorn, 6 people, any raid boss in seconds.You really think thats fun?
I am not sure players even read the modifiers in some cases. Small arms preferred so grab a Gally *facepalm
Atleast it doesnt take ages to kill a boss
Thats the point tho, its a boss, not supposed to be quick or as easy as rest. :|