Fulcrum, Timurs, Red Hand, Devil(s), Lord High, Loner, Ill Will, etc, etc. doesn't matter which one your talking about, they are all not worth the inventory space. Case for PVP. These are all sub par to the exotic hand cannons and there are no exotic secondaries or heavies that are truly best in class. Even if I run a legendary primary (messenger, high road, hopscotch, shadow, 3LW) I still use legendary secondaries and heavies. If you still want a legendary hand cannon use the Jewel (adept). It's a great gun and very useful in PvE. Case for PvE. Fatebringer is best in situation 90% of the time. For the rest of the time or if you can't find one, you will get better overall performance by using a matching elemental primary. IE.. Fighting Cabal or you're in a mission with a solar skull, use a solar weapon. For fallen go arc.