We already have way to much stuff to do in 7 days, along with school/work and family. Now there adding new quests, new strikes, new currency, a new raid,and new faction stuff, now we have some more weekly bounties, testing weapons for the gun smith, getting ghost shells, and whatever else is new, oh and don't forget, we still have the nightfall and the weekly.Oh and don't forget to max out those 3 new subclasses.Along with collecting new exotics and upgrading old ones. Times 3 for each character. Unless you have really good time management skills your not gonna finish all this shit. Destiny you have taken my life away. You are creating no lifes. Kids will ditch there homework. I'm sorry to say but I've done that. Please Bungie stop what you are doing.
Im seriously gonna take a day or two or three off work for this idgaf lmao
Edited by Xanzuss: 8/21/2015 1:32:26 AMWow. I never heard anything like this before lol. It's call self control. Just something your gonna have to learn. Prioritize a little better. Put what's important like your business before your leisure. Make time for your leisure.
Obviously you are just getting upset about the massive amounts of things to do. I think you might be the only one who is upset by the game being massive. If you have ever played an mmorpg you would know that over half of the game is side quests and grinding for loot.
I bet you've never played an mmo
What making a good game? Lol
I don't know if this is serious or not
Edited by andresMIRT: 8/20/2015 11:06:14 PMMy bad
Wait....are you complaining that there will be too much stuff to do?
It's suppose to take months not days
Instead of caring about shit that dosent matter worry about shit that u have to do first then go a play destiny and you don't need to do everything right away, I know I have school and stuff but still have time for destiny and whatever else I have todo but I'm bored as shit with how right now and I'm hopping it won't be like this with ttk.
So glad I graduated back in May this year from grad school. Perfect time to be a bachelor indeed lol. Just work and gym and off through the week of Sept 15-20. Life is beautiful as a Guardian. XD
Hahahaha.....dude are serious? Moderation is the key.
I feel the exact same mate but im gonna look forward to trying to do it all in a week and homework and other things
Trust me, you want this. And we all want this. The content needs to last dedicated players more than two weeks.
True that
Last I checked people wanted more content especially for paying more so why complain you don't have to do any of it especially year one stuff I'd take that out of the weekly checklist if I was you. Don't complain about finally having content that will last past a week of playing please
Its just a video game..
Its other people's life decisions
Did I miss the #satire somewhere?
New currency because they are simplifying current currency
[quote]More content? What the -blam!- Bungie?[/quote] OP ^
I love it. I'm pretty sure I haven't spent 750-800hrs on any other single videogame/computer game in my 28 years. Final fantasy 7 may come in second, but that's a bunch a playthroughs, not 6 chars on 2 accounts. I like that there will be much more to do, and glad that marks are now legendary instead of two types. That makes getting the gear you want to play with more obtainable, while still giving grinders and collectors content. If you do the nightfall, the hard heroic weekly, and the hard daily all on Tuesday, then your vanguard marks are like 25% collected for the week. This totally makes more time more valuable. And they tweaked bounties so its more streamlined with actual gameplay! Tl;dr Gr8 b8 bro! I too am very excited, this is shaping up to look more like the game everyone wanted it to be.
Same bro never have I played so much into one game ever...I'm in for the long haul lol
Add me. I'm in for the long haul