I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
We already have way to much stuff to do in 7 days, along with school/work and family. Now there adding new quests, new strikes, new currency, a new raid,and new faction stuff, now we have some more weekly bounties, testing weapons for the gun smith, getting ghost shells, and whatever else is new, oh and don't forget, we still have the nightfall and the weekly.Oh and don't forget to max out those 3 new subclasses.Along with collecting new exotics and upgrading old ones. Times 3 for each character. Unless you have really good time management skills your not gonna finish all this shit. Destiny you have taken my life away. You are creating no lifes. Kids will ditch there homework. I'm sorry to say but I've done that. Please Bungie stop what you are doing.