Etheric light TOTALLY ruined House of Wolves. Bungie listened to players complaining about their VOG gear being less powerful and decided to allow us to ascend them to current power levels. This was probably also to make up for having no raid in House of Wolves. In reality, it totally made House of Wolves weapons worthless. No one wants to go through Skolas because it takes so long, has low gear drop rates, and the weapons are inferior to VOG and Crota gear due to etheric light. Continuing this same trend into next year would be a horrible mistake. Why should players be able to go through an easy, old raid to get gear that is able to be as good if not better than new end game gear? That's exactly what happened with House of Wolves- don't want to see end game gear ruined again.
So etheric light ruined house of wolves? It wasn't the lack of engaging pve content? The miserable end game pve "rewards" or the awful slog fest that PoE 35 can be? Etheric light is the only thing that made HoW worth playing (unless you like pvp). By the logic in this post you would argue that HoW would have been better if we HAD to use the garbage HoW gear? The fact that the VoG and Crota gear is what people ascended shouldn't condemn the Etheric Light idea - it should (and does) reflect poorly on Bungie's ability to design new desirable gear and engaging ways to obtain it. Why the hell would I chase after a burn primary with a shite drop rate at the end of a tedious, buggy encounter that doesn't allow any checkpoint saving when I could run a couple of raids and load up on better gear? Raid gear and etheric light didn't ruin end game HoW gear - End game HoW gear ruined end game HoW gear. Etheric light just gave me a chance to use weapons that don't suck and armor that doesn't look like a half finished chicken wire fence.
I agree that the weapons themselves were not designed well, but without etheric light those weapons would have been the weapons PVE players would play for. A 300 fatebringer compared to a 365 HoW hand cannon? Yes, the problem is that the VOG gear was SO good that those are the only ones that would be used forever if ascending was allowed to continue. The only way to avoid that would be to make new weapons that were more powerful- resulting in each expansion creating more and more powerful (perks) until we all would be wielding nuclear hand cannons. They stopped the ascension to avoid power creep.
They were worthless to begin with because they sucked compared to VoG weaponry. Had the devs actually put out DECENT guns I would've used some of the HoW ones, but the only one from PoE was Shadow of Veils. The rest were inferior.
Chain of Orbiks Fel was pretty good as well.
Yeah, that is true. I forgot that one because I never used it ever. Had two void Jolder Hammers with field scout, but yeah, some of my friends liked using Chain.
Yeah. I missed it when Variks sold it because I thought that another machine gun would be useless since I already had Jolders Hammer.