It will be worth one mote of light. Not a big deal since it is so easy to come by and its not like anyone grinded the shit out of hard missions to get it. [spoiler]kidding obviously, I would like to know as well since I saved mine[/spoiler]
Edited by Profoundconch15: 8/20/2015 8:20:55 PMLMAO, as I read it I was thinking WTF 1 MoL and what do you mean "easy to come by", I never get it unless I run a PoE34. Only once from NF and I run that weekly with my 3 characters. After I read your hidden comment I was laughing.
I'm going to cry if it's not worth much or not usable.
Just noticed your avatar - did you play Marathon?
I played it back in the day when it first came out at my buddies place cause he used a mac. But since I wasn't a mac guy I didn't play it as much as I would have liked. Cool game for its day
Very cool. I played that as much as I play present day games. Matchmaking was the greatest playing LAN. LOVED Bungie from that day forward. I still have the discs.
me too - I wanna know
Probably just still used for how weapons