Am I the only one who thinks the MP is a faster version of Destiny mixed with Titanfall? It's definitely fun but I have a feeling I'll get bored of it after a couple of months of playing and to be honest I like the exoskeleton more than these jetpacks (except for the slide, that shit is awesome in BO3).
I'll probably buy just to play with friends.
It doesn't have a slot machine mechanic though, is already more balanced than destiny.
No, I was saying how similar it is gameplay wise. But the wall running is a bit clunky, imo Titanfall did it better.
It has a similarity with the special abilities. I've never played titanfall, love the wall running. The rest is 100% cod.
Well if you have a Xbox One, you should definitely pick up Titanfall it's really cheap now and the season pass is free. It's easily one of the best shooters I've played.
That's because thats what it is
I'm just there for zombies and seeing what guns will be in it
I never really liked zombies but my friends are always begging me to play zombies with them. It was the only reason why I bought the first AW map pack.
Aww man that sucks because aw had the worst zombies if you are ever going to buy zombies it has to be a zombies map on a treyarchs game But they are nice and it comes with the 1 map
[quote] these jetpacks (except for the slide, that shit is awesome in BO3).[/quote] So what you're saying is it's ripped from Tribes and Tribes Ascend?
Yeah like Tribes Ascend. That's why I liked exoskeletons more because they were more mobile.
No. I do as well.
Its an arena version of Titanfall. And jeez, what's with everyone saying the supers are from destiny. Lots of games have supers.
They aren't a part of killstreaks, same button combo, one hit kill weapons, bullet deflecting armor...etc. Yeah they're Destiny supers.
Similar supers Same buttons to activate Need I say more?
Its not that the game has supers, its more hoe similar the supers are to destiny