Will I still be able to run trials if I do not purchase TTK?
I'd be surprise if you could and even if would you wanna go against lvl40 try hards?
I will still be able to get to level 40, I think that's what people are forgetting that lots of guns, armour etc will be available just not the new ttk story, raid, raid specific and new crucible modes.
but it will have ttk crucible maps
Possibly some weeks but like I said that's HoW content. Look at iron banner, that never has TDB or HoW maps because that's vanilla content.
your right but what about exotics? will the new ones be available to you?
I think you'll be able to. I heard that base game is getting the update to Lvl 40 as well, it won't be part of the Taken King. Or at least that's what I've heard.
I'm sure they'll add ttk maps to it