[url=https://www.bungie.net/7_Destiny-Weapon-Tuning-20/en/News/News?aid=13147]Weapon Tuning 2.0[/url] posited the following statement with regards to Ice Breaker's ammo regeneration time:
[quote]We’ve all done it. Hunker down in the back of the map with your lunch box, picnic table, a sci-fi paperback, and Ice Breaker. Kill all the enemies, wait for more to show up, kill those ones too, put a few shots on the boss, [b]make a sandwich[/b], finish the strike, and then collect your reward-that-isn’t-Hawkmoon and move on[/quote]
So I wonder Guardians, more important than decisions on weaponry and armour - which is your goto sandwich of choice when packing the raid picnic basket?
edit1: wow, who would have thought the Fallen option would be so popular! there's not a lot of meat on them bones.
Thanks for making me hungry! >:(