That's it, I have decided that waiting for Bungie to start treating its fan base with respect is a no win game and has been holding me back! Come this September 15th, I will be playing my dream game..... Goat Simulator!
Necro bump
Yeah! Good on you! Livin the Goat life! But meh, I don't share your opinion. I'm looking forward to TTK and everything that it brings. Even though us Year One/Day One players don't get anything special, and our legendary weapons are being [i]taken[/i] away, Bungie seems to be rectifying a lot of their mistakes. The PvP meta is finally changing, they've added new maps, new game modes, a new raid, and tons of small fixes and everything to improve one's quality of life in the game. Armsday looks great, I love the idea of the Exotic Blueprints, and the Questing System looks interesting. The Collection tab looks pretty cool too, with the shaders and all. With a visual representation to look on, I might have a reason to actually grind and play PvE.
Me to! Read this please and bump
Beginning to think playing Goat Stimulator is the way to go myself. I mean Simulator ... Goat Simulator. *cough*